Monday 7 May 2012

Hello, Adele

This post is based on bringing Adele to the spotlight. Well, I mean she's already well lit by this 'spotlight' but lets see why!

Adele Laurie Blue Adkins is a 24 year old, English born singer-songwriter. She released  her debut album 19 followed by her second album, 21. Each album Adele has released thus far has been named after the age she was when she began recording the album.

Adele is known for her sad. break-up records that provoke emotions deep inside her listeners. If you've heard an Adele song, you know what I mean! Her lyrics capture raw emotions that is portrayed beautifully in her voice. Her songs have often brought her to tears. She sings about her own experiences. 

Her most recent album, 21, broke many records worldwide. To put it into perspective, 21 outsold Thriller in the UK. It won six Grammys this year with Rolling in the Deep scooping the bong for record of the year.

But Adele isn't your average celebrity. Although she has had a majorly successful year, she is ridiculously down to Earth! I recently read that after her first win at the Grammys she worked part-time in the back of a record shop in her hometown. She didn't want pay, she didn't want credit, she wanted to remind herself of her roots and to keep her feet firmly on the ground. Take a look at these pictures. Some are inspirational...

...some are funny!

One of Adele's concerts that I have watched and adore is her performance at The royal Albert Hall.

It's emotional...

...and it's funny.

It's a truly breathtaking performance. Adele sings to the point of crying, yet composes herself to tell the audience a funny story about a song or her past. She connects with her audience, waving at anyone who waves at her. It's a rare concert nowadays in that there are no dancers or big displays. It's Adele, her band, her audience and a cup of honey! You can really see how honored and taken back she is by the response to her as the concert goes on. She's humble and honest, in her songwriting and in herself. I cannot recommend watching this concert enough. It is utterly amazing. Click on this link to watch it. ---> Adele at the Royal Alber Hall, live. (Full concert)

Even Rihanna is a big fan!

I personally am a massive fan of Adele. Hopefully now you are too! 

Saturday 5 May 2012

Friday 4 May 2012

Random, Crazy Facts!

If Popeye was a real person...

Remember Popeye? That spinach crazy sailor from back in the day?

Imagine if he were real?

Back to cartoon, back to cartoon...QUICK!

Phew! Which would you choose?

Imagine being in space, without a space suit.

YOU WOULD EXPLODE! - That's what most people say. But, nope. Wrong.

Space is a vacuum. That's why people assume you will explode in space without a suit. What would in actual fact happen is all of the air in your lungs would be pushed out. Breath back in you say? Can't. There isn't any air to breath in. You'd pass out rather quickly due to loss of oxygen. Not good! 

And believe it or not, another concern would be...sunburn. Yes, sunburn! Granted, space has no temperature. But the Sun, as you know, is very hot. Heat from the Sun travels through light. And due to lack of ozone layer protection, you'd be sunburned in seconds.

Moral of the story; don't go into outer space without a space suit!

Thursday 3 May 2012

You when you close your eyes and...see?

Close your eyes. What do you see? Not images, but color. I mean, color? Your eyes are closed!
How? Why? Is actually seeing or our imagination?

As you may already know,  basic color receptors, cones, are light sensitive cells. Behind the retina screen at the back of your eye, there are roughly 130 million of these cones
That's quite a few! Different cones respond the different wave lengths of light and send messages, if you will, along nerves to the brain and it's center of vision.

Recent (well recent enough) research shows that colors are received, or indeed recognized, in pairs. Most of the time, cones tend to pair red with green and yellow with blue. So, color pairing could very possibly be the reasoning for the color behind your closed eyelid. For example, afterimage optical illusions display this color paring.

Take a look at the following picture. Stare at the woman's nose. Look at the red dot only. Hols your stare for 30 seconds. Then, look at a blank surface, i.e. a wall, the ceiling...etc. Blink quickly a number of times and blink fast. Who do you see?

Amazing! The human brain is complex and genius. 

So there you have it. Cones and color pairing. Your eyes see a color and retain it for a short period of time. Hence why you just blinked at a blank surface and were surprised with a lovely picture of Beyonce! The blue and green dots are on her nose also to be paired and to create a colored picture when you blink.